Friday, July 28, 2006

Someone's Been Up to the Devil's Business

Like babies? Me too. That’s why my wife Ashley and I decided to start making them. As a result, we made one and it should be here around January. Today is Ashley’s 13-week mark, which means that her first trimester is over which means she isn’t going to be sick anymore. It also means that I have been a dad for 3 months! Here are a few of my favorite things about being a dad so far:

Mowing the lawn.
Telling jokes and hearing the baby laugh.
Feeling the baby kick.
Seeing the baby’s arm poke out of Ashley’s bellybutton.
Getting in fights with Ashley but keeping it down so as to not wake the baby.
Crocheting baby bonnets.
Finding out it was a boy two months earlier than normal.
Drinking root beer soda pop.

If you are reading this and are a dad or have ever thought about being a dad or a mom, let me know if there are any things that you like or maybe things that I haven’t done yet that you think I might like.

While we are talking, how about baby name’s? We haven’t really settled on anything but there are some names we both really like. Here are a few (add Brown to the end of each for full effect):

Nico Veramonte
Lex De Azevedo
Ronnie Brewer
Kolana Watson
Tyler Melendez
Jeremy (Pronounced Germy) Roush
Brittney Marble
Deedee Corradini
Randy Horiuchi

What names do you guys like? Here’s an idea: if you give a name and we choose it for our baby I will do a post on my blog entirely about you. The only rule is no curse words in the name (although the word curse itself may be used).

1 comment:

Scott Brown said...

I had to change blog addresses because I was being stalked. Here is the 1 comment that had been made for this post:

Brett Crockett said...
What I like most about being a dad:

-Drinking root beer soda pop. (cold)
-Making lots of rules.
-Sitting in big easy chairs.
-Wearing gadgets on my belt, including:
∙walkie talkies
∙a pager
∙a pocket knife (i have my tote 'n' chip)
∙bubble tape
∙retractable key ring
∙bird call whistle
∙utility tool
∙a spool of twine
∙a post-it dispenser
∙assorted flavors of chapstick in a neoprene sheath
-And asking my wife if she could please eat some fruit because, even if she doesn't like it, the baby in her tummy does.

What I like about being able to name Steve and Amy's first baby:

Chris Forrest Green

Marche Wright (if it's a girl)
Lena Winegar
2:25 PM