Me and my friend Brent aren't lawyers...but my sister Danielle and Brent's brother Jake are. When we are around them we listen to them and learn how to talk and negotiate in a lawyerly manner. Here is the transcript from a series of emails in which we discussed a upcoming party at my home:
Brent: We’re a go for Wednesday. Will there be refreshments? Mink pelts? Peppermint candies?
Me: Great! Yes, we are asking each couple to brings items such as mink pelts, peppermint patties, walking sticks, baskets, coon hats, vanilla bean, spices, potato logs, etc. in order to offer them up for trade with the other couples. There will be no guns or other forms of weaponry allowed. also the food will be the same as last time...only this time you get to bring soda pops.
Good, good. I love spices. I also have several burlap sacks I was thinking I might bring. Would you please check with Ashley (my wife) to see if that might be alright? Is there an established time for this gathering?
the gathering will begin at the start of the seven o'clock hour. for you that probably means 8:30. Ashley is concerned about the burlap sacks. are they genuine burlap? what color is the burlap? has it been tempered? will they be sold with some form of a conditioner? are they watertight?
All important questions in my opinion. We would appreciate a reply before we give our approval. It's our house where this is going to be, so we get to decide.
I forwarded this to Brittney to keep her informed of the negotiations.
We’ll get back to you with any necessary responses.
This is where Brent's friend Brittney gets involved.
You are free to involve Brittney...but I think it is inaccurate if you are presenting above items as "negotiations." The items heretofor presented are non-negotiable and final. there will be peppermint patties, there will be spices, and let me take this opportunity to add that there will be flavored bubblegum. As to your proposed burlap sacks, they will only be allowed at the trading table if and when they meet the standards set forth by the intenational board of burlap traders (see for said standards) i.e. no seepage, no shrinkage, no furrows, complete maleability, and so on and so forth.
To Brittney: He’s being pretty-heavy handed here. I don’t know if the burlap sacks will be such a good idea after all. Any ideas? i'm getting kind of mad. first you put the hyphen in the wrong place on your first sentence opting for "pretty-heavy" intead of "heavy-handed"...confusing and inappropriate. second, are you deaf or at least illiterate? there will not be any "in lieu of's" at the party. You can propose
Brittney…this is getting pretty ridiculous. Do you even still want to go? Although if someone is already bringing a Smeagol figurine, you might be able to get you hobbit and Gandalf figurines approved pretty easily (at least one would hope). I just don’t know…it seems like the get-together is getting pretty unorganized when there’s only one party with approval rights, and they (Scott and Ashley) don’t tell the rest of us what’s going on until after the fact. How can we plan amidst such disarray?
I wrote to Brittney: Brittney, could you please tell Brent to stop being so rediculous? He's being
almost impossible to work with. Also, could you tell Brett that he kisses
girls? Thanks.
Britney replys: Can I bring my Frodo and Gandalf figurines? I mean if Smeagol gets to
come, they should be invited too. And I would hope after last night
that Brett would know he kisses girls.
That's an absurd question. And Scott, I'd appreciate you CC'ing me when
you're talking to Brittney about me. Only pansies hide behind email
addresses and firewalls.
Brett, it sounds as if you are taking this a little hard. Maybe it
would be best if I just went alone. I mean they really only want to see
me and maybe, if you behave, you can come next time.
After tempers cooled:
I just talked to Ashley and your burlap sacks have been approved. congratulations.
migratory bird identification cards.
I have to go home now but we will continue our approval (or dissapproval as the case may warrant) tomorrow.
The following day:
Ashley and I discussed it last night and the following items have been added the accepted list:
Frodo and Gandalf figurines
chinese checkers
flowers (the fireworks, not the plants)
pressed leaves and flowers (the plants) from your scriptures
Chubby Checker greatest hits
1000 free America Online hours
Timmy T's single "One More Try" (cassette)
cowboy hat air freshner
ski boat
2 bundles of papyrus
slap bracelets (without watches)
The following items are still under consideration:
chocolate milk in sippy cups
slap bracelets (with watches)
aromatic air spray
This sounds good. I’d also like to request an injunction against Tommy bringing any of those vacuums he used to sell. And, I wanted to let you know that we’ll have corn husks and twine to go with the Frodo and Gandalf figurines. The corn husks and twine are not additional items, they go along with the figurines.
In addition, we’re planning on bringing the following items:
two walkie-talkies
one green rabbits foot (for luck as well as company)
several coin purses
a pair of capris (only used once)
a ball of rubberbands (wrapped around a golf ball)
a faded brown and red neckerchief
None of these items will be available for trade (except maybe the capris), they’re just for personal use. Please don’t let the others ask questions about them, or try to get us to trade them. We won’t do it (except the capris and maybe also a coin purse. The coin purses are made of leather and have impression stamped names on them).
Also, only one coin purse will be allowed per person as a personal item. You will have to sell all of the rest. What is written on them?
So that is where we are at so far. Do you think I am accommodating him too much? Should I tell him no to the flaxen cord under the rule that no weapons are allowed? What about the capris?
1 comment:
I had to change blog addresses because I was being stalked. Here are all of the comments that went to this post:
scott said...
i think you and ashley caved too easily on the burlap sacks. at least make sure they're watertight. size could be an issue too. don't let him bring too many if they're huge.
12:19 PM
scott brown said...
Thanks for your comment scott. I helps to have some outside perspective. I had not thought about the size issue. It sounds to me like you have been in charge of a trading party before. What kinds of things did you learn from your experience? Do you think I should soften up on the weapon rule? Here's my concern...give someone and inch, they'll take a mile...give them a length of flaxen cord, they'll take a double edged machete.
12:40 PM
Tommy said...
Seeing as how the BBQ is only a day away and given Brent's methodical and slow, if you will, comprehension of the forementioned items on Scott and Ashley's approved list, I think it wise to discuss appropriate dialogue. I don't want to be assessed another fine. I know Brent will say "dipthong" during the course of the evening at least once and Bryan Jeppson will probably say the word "gymnastics" or "Jenny Pierce." We need to make sure such words are not on the stricken dialogue list.
2:27 PM
Brett Crockett said...
Let me just make a few comments.
First Tommy, you know me nothing.
Second, I don't think it would be right to censor any of the speech at the gathering. That's what Hitler, Stalin, and John Lennon used to do, and look where it got the Middle East?
We are first and foremost, Americans. And as such, our free speech is guaranteed by the 5th ammendment of this great country. And besides, how could the word "dipthong" hurt anybody? We all know Tommy will be saying things like "Could somebody please pass me the sour cream and a spoon" and, well, that's high god-given right as a citizen of the stars and stripes. Far be it from me to try to stymie his speech.
But you are right, we should try to keep Bryan from talking about his glory days on the gymnastics team.
Unless he brings his grey one-peice to put up for trading.
10:18 AM
scott said...
I have not actually been to a trading party, but it just seemed to make good sense. I think the weapon rule is fine. Maybe you could limit the length of the flaxen cord so that it can't be a weapon. I hope all goes well!
10:31 AM
Brett Crockett said...
Per Steve's request, I'm clarifying my comment:
I'm aware that Tommy was trying to keep the word (not the gramatical use) "dipthong" from being spoken. But- the very fact that he is lobbying for it not to be placed on the "stricken dialogue list" implies that there will be other words on some yet-to-be-seen "stricken dialogue list."
As Americans, we ought not to ever hint of restricting someone from fully expressing themselves at a party- of any type, be it trading, toll-painting, or other.
oh- and the phrase "you know me nothing" comes from an Asian friend of mine. Translated, it means "You don't know me" said with emphasis.
Finally, to "scott":
Limiting the length of the flaxen cord would be tantamount to not bringing any at all. The whole benifit of a flaxen cord is it's versatility in an unrestricted length- and you seek to take that away.
Sometimes I wonder if you're really concerned about the success of this party, or more just what type of influence you might exert over it.
10:50 AM
scott said...
Brett~ You need to fight for your flaxen cord a little more. Try to point out how it can be used for good. I'll help out by saying that I think you should be allowed to bring it. It can be used for many good things and is not generally accepted as a weapon.
The Frodo and Gandalf figurines may be a little unpredictable considering someone else is already bringing a Smeagol figurine to trade. You could get everything or nothing.
I am concerned about the success of the party. Now that I gave input, it reflects a little on me if it does not go well.
1:35 PM
Tommy said...
I think it should come as no surprise that while the rest of us are merely attempting to clarify proper behavior at a social gathering, Brent sees it as an opportunity to do what he does best: bicker. I have no reservations in using the word "dipthong" nor was it my intention to place it on the stricken dialogue list; if said list does, in fact, exist. I simply would like to ensure that I do not say anything that the hosts (Scott and Ashley, NOT BRENT) would find offensive. Who knows which words in our common dialogue have an emotional effect on Ashley's sensitive nature? And as for "knowing Brent not" I do believe that Brent was opposed to Big A's usage of the F-word during sacrament, so there goes his credibility on the 5th amendment stance.
1:40 PM
Brett Crockett
Brett Crockett said...
When you go to a church your gun stays at the door, and so do your rights to free speech. READ THE 5TH AMENDMENT! So your argument that my credibility was affected when I opposed the use of an F-word in church holds no water. If Big-A wanted to use it at a trading party, I would rightly accept and admit that it's his perrogative.
And just the fact that you mentioned a "stricken words list" reeks of imperialism. Something one would come to expect from a guy who once ripped his shirt off and posed as Goldberg with two "wrestling hoes" in front of hundreds of people.
See you tonight. And bring that outfit you dressed up in for your high school wrestling matches (the one with the tie).
3:25 PM
Tommy said...
First of all, you're talking about the 1st Amendment. The 5th Amendment, if I'm not mistaken, talks about testifying in court cases, smart guy.
Second of all, check your spelling before you use big words.
Third of all, you and Greg were in charge of the assembly and begged me to be part of it because you had a shortage and didn't tell me what the outfit was until I had already committed. And it was Steve, not me, who showed up with the two hoes. You're losing all kinds of credibility with these inaccuracies.
3:41 PM
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